Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What Pets Want For Christmas

For Pets

Many of you guys I'm sure have pets living in your home. Well you cannot leave them out of Christmas! here is a list of what pets would want for Christmas!

  1. Bone- Obviously, dogs love bones. They can chew one those for months!!
  2. Chew toy- This is is mainly for the smaller dogs, because usually the bigger dogs will just destroy the chew toy!
  3. New Collar- Dogs can be fashionable too! Get your dog a new color for him to make a fashion statement to all the other dogs!
  4. Leash- along with the collar, not only is it more fashionable, but when your dog is out in public on a walk, I'm sure it would definitely want to look good!
  5. Dog Bed- This could be a great gift especially if you are sick of your dog crawling into bed with you!
  1. Kitty Litter- The kittys gotta go when its gotta go. Allow it to do its business in some clean new kitty litter!
  2. Scratch Post- It seems like almost every cat loves to sharpen its claws. They usually try to do this on us! And that hurts! Get your kitty a scratch post and save yourself some scratch marks!
  1. Bird Feed- These birds have to eat something! get them some top of the line bird feed!
  2. Bird Cage- Get your birds a brand new cage so they will be happy and singing for Christmas!

  1. New Fish Tank- Get your fish a bigger and better brand new fish tank. One that will make them think they have it made!
  2. Tank Accessories- Get your fish stuff to swim around and put it in their tank!

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